Hogwarts Legacy: release date, price, Harry Potter characters and more

Hogwarts Legacy: release date, price, Harry Potter characters and more Hogwarts Legacy: release date, price, Harry Potter characters and more Hogwarts Legacy: release date, price, Harry Potter characters and more
hogwarts legacy student holding up his wand
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw? (pic: Warner Bros.)

Hogwarts Legacy is set to become the biggest Harry Potter video game in the last decade but when is it out and what can you expect from it?

It’s been over 10 years since Harry Potter fans have been able to enjoy a big budget console game based on their favourite wizarding world. 

The last Harry Potter game to hit screens was Deathly Hallows Part 2, which came out in 2011 alongside the movie, but sadly it wasn’t as big a hit as EA would have liked. Since then, the only alternative has been the Lego games and even they’re getting on a bit now.

Now, Warner Bros. plans to make spellcasting and broom-riding cool again by letting you enrol as a student at the most famous school of witchcraft and wizardry: Hogwarts. 

Will Hogwarts Legacy be released on PS4 and Xbox One?   

With some companies deciding to focus only on new generation consoles, it’s no longer a given that everything will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. 

However, in Hogwarts Legacy’s case the last generation consoles will be getting a piece of the action.

It’s been confirmed that Hogwarts Legacy will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and, of course, PC. 

Sadly, the game doesn’t have cross-play or cross-platform support, since it is a fully single-player experience, as confirmed by developer Avalanche. 

hogwarts legacy students making potions
Try to follow the correct recipe when making potions (pic: Warner Bros.)

When will Hogwarts Legacy be officially released? 

Hogwarts Legacy has been available for pre-order across all platforms for some time now, but the release will happen in three waves

PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC players will get access to the game first, on Friday, February 10. 

Then almost two months later, the game will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, on Tuesday, April 4. 

Last but not least, Hogwarts Legacy will arrive on Nintendo Switch in the middle of the summer, on Thursday, July 27. 

Hogwarts Legacy screenshot
You can ride a Hippogriff just like Harry (pic: Warner Bros.)

You’ll be able to download the game as normal from your console’s dedicated digital store, Steam, or buy the physical version from any typical games retailer. 

However, if you choose to purchase the game’s deluxe edition, you will get early access and be able to dive in from Tuesday, February 7, but only on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. 

How much does Hogwarts Legacy cost? 

Hogwarts Legacy’s standard edition will cost £59.99 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. 

The current gen console versions, for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, will cost an extra £5, at £64.99, even though they have the same content.  

The game is cheapest on PC and Nintendo Switch, where it’s just £49.99.

Is there a special edition of Hogwarts Legacy? 

There are several different special editions of Hogwarts Legacy, both physical and digital, depending on how much you want to spend on your witchy escapades. 

The Digital Deluxe Edition is priced at £74.99 for PlayStation and Xbox consoles, meaning you’ll need to spend an extra £10 for special unlocks or cosmetics. 

The same edition for PC and Nintendo Switch will cost you £59.99, although remember that only next gen consoles and PC get early access.  

Slytherin student Sebastan Sallows with a Thestral
Slytherin student Sebastian Sallows with a Thestral (pic: Warner Bros.)

Here are all the extras the Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition offers: 

  • 72 hours early access to the game (only for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC) 
  • Dark Arts Garisson hat  
  • Dark Arts pack (including Thestral mount, Dark Arts cosmetics set, and Dark Arts battle arena) 
  • Haunted Hogsmeade Shop quest (PlayStation exclusive) 

Players that pre-order either the standard or Digital Deluxe editions will also get the Onyx Hippogriff mount across all platforms. On top of that, PlayStation owners will get the Felix Felicis potion recipe for extra good luck. 

There is also another extra special edition for dedicated fans of the Harry Potter and Wizarding World universe: the Collector’s Edition

The Collector’s Edition is only available when buying a physical copy of the game, for either your PlayStation or Xbox. 

hogwarts legacy collector's edition
This is what you’ll get if you purchase the Collector’s Edition (pic: Warner Bros.)

It costs a hefty £274.99 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and £5 more for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, though they come with several IRL freebies. 

These freebies are: a life-size floating ancient magic wand with a book base, a steel case for the game, and your very own Kelpie robe. 

Will any characters from the Harry Potter books be in Hogwarts Legacy? 

The official website of the game states that Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the distant past, over 100 years before the Harry Potter’s birth in 1980.  

This means it’s highly unlikely that you’ll come across any of the popular faces from the franchise, like Harry, Hermione or Ron. 

Even older characters, like Albus Dumbledore or Fantastic Beasts’ Newt Scamander, weren’t born until towards the end of the 20th century. 

Of course, a game about wizards doesn’t necessarily need to follow the same rules as real life does, but in any case, we wouldn’t recommend getting your hopes up. 

nearly headless nick in hogwarts legacy
Nearly Headless Nick is there too (pic: Warner Bros.)

Although given that the game is set in Hogwarts, you might encounter some of the castle’s resident ghosts, if you keep your eyes peeled. 

If you take a walk around the Gryffindor Tower, you’re sure to bump into none other than Nearly Headless Nick, who died all the way back in the 1400s. 

Other characters that have been confirmed for Hogwarts Legacy include fellow students, such as your companion, Natsai Onai, and Slytherin’s Sebastian Sallow. 

Some of the professors also appear in the trailers, such as a young redhead who teaches Herbology and an older gentleman who leads you to Charms class. 

The playable character that’ll represent you is completely customisable, right down to your combat style and morals, so you can make your Hogwarts journey entirely your own. 

Phineas Nigellus Black in Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy – Simon Pegg is Phineas Nigellus Black (pic: Warner Bros.)

You’ll even be able to choose the house you join, so you won’t need to stress much when you attend the Sorting Ceremony at the start of your first year.  

Your favourite wizarding school also has a brand-new headmaster called Phineas Nigellus Black (he’s voiced by Simon Pegg!), who’s more interested in fulfilling his personal ambitions than teaching and guiding students. 

And if the name Black sounds familiar, Phineas is actually the great-great-grandfather of Sirius Black, as well as Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy.

He’s also a distant relative of the Weasley and Longbottom families, and his portrait was briefly featured in the films.

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MORE : Hogwarts Legacy is 35 hours long reveals major art book leak

MORE : My moral dilemma with Hogwarts Legacy – Reader’s Feature

MORE : Simon Pegg is the headmaster in Hogwarts Legacy as game becomes Steam top-seller

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* This article was originally published here
